Common Social Media Myths DEBUNKED!

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Many people think that having a social media presence is automatically going to give you amazing results overnight. I mean, we get it, social media is constantly evolving and with all of the marketing and advertisements you see on a daily basis promising you, “amazing results fast”, it is just completely bonkers. Social media needs to be used strategically and with realistic expectations about what could and could not happen. 

The truth is, social media marketing takes time. No successful entrepreneur or influencer became famous overnight just by having an Instagram. It takes a patient person to build a presence online. 

One of the major myths that we see on a daily basis is that social media marketing is going to give you an instant following. With all of the information that we have access to everyday, there tends to be a ton of misinformation on the do’s and don’ts of generating business through social media. Let’s take a look at some of the myths of running your social accounts. These myths can seriously impact you and your business, so it is a necessity to be able to tell which ones are truly myths and which ones are full on bogus. 

Do you think that you are believing too much of what you see from your favorite entrepreneurs or influences? Continue to read on to find out the real truth.

“I need to be on every social media platform”

Now this is a major false assumption that even “social media experts” like Gary Vaynerchuk like to tell their audience. No matter what, each business’ audiences are different from one another. If you are finding that your audience is mainly on Facebook or Instagram and you start to expand to other platforms like Snapchat, there is a high chance that you will lose your current customers’ interest. If you really think about it, social media’s power is the ability to help you connect and build relationships with your ideal clients, so if your community is not actively using a platform, why put your valuable time and effort into it?

“I have to post multiple times a day”

Remember: Quality over quantity is KEY in social media. You do not need to annoy your audience with multiple posts a day. However, it is very important to be consistent. In addition, no one wants to hear only your voice all the time. Reposting and sharing other content not only helps voice your opinion in a different way but it also can help with branding and connecting with other business’. 

“Facebook is overrated and outdated”

This is simply not true, yet it’s still heard all the time. According to Statista, research shows that the most active users on Facebook are between the ages of 18 and 34. If your audience is within this age range, you need to be including Facebook in your social media strategy. 

If this doesn’t change your mind, then what about Facebook’s user base being roughly seven times greater than the entire population of the United States? Facebook is one of, if not the biggest networking outlet out there. USE IT!!!

“Blogging is not worth it” 

Not a chance! I mean hey, you’re reading this, aren't you?

Blogging is a necessity when it comes to your business... believe us! I mean think about it, blogging is a social media channel in itself. Blogging not being worth it may be a myth, but SEO most DEFINITELY is not! When you have a website that is updated regularly with blog posts that are high quality with topics of your audience’s choosing, your overall website can perform great in the search engines. Having a blog gives you content that you can share across other platforms that will drive your audience back to your website. For instance, you always see people sharing posts on Facebook and if you look deeper into the site, you can see the number of times it was shared. Many of these posts are shared thousands of times and yours could be one of them.

Now that we’ve busted some of the most outrageous social media myths out there, it is time to take your social media marketing to the next level. At Jarja Media we offer plenty of tools to help jump start or continue your business. To find out more, head to to schedule a free consultation with our sales team, or you can give us a call at (203) 877-1500 to get started!

-Courtney, Marketing Associate

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